Originally posted on PopWatch:
[ew_image url=”http://img2.timeinc.net/ew/i/2013/07/19/Chris-Matthews.jpg ” credit=”” align=”left”]Like many in the wake of the George Zimmerman verdict, Chris Matthews is wondering what he can learn from the situation, particularly about others’ experiences with race.
On his MSNBC show Thursday, Matthews had NBC News executive Val Nicholas and former RNC chairman Michael Steele, both of whom are black, on to discuss their feelings on the verdict, and more broadly, race relations in America today. Nicholas, who had just penned an op-ed for MSNBC.com titled, “I Could Have Been Trayvon Martin,” shared his experiences as a black teenager. He explained that twice as a teen he wound up looking down the barrel of a police gun for no other reason than the color of his skin. Steele agreed with him, saying he too had similar experiences. “What Val and I have in common is black skin, and the perceptions that go along with that,” Steele…
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